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謝和成 - NO Category | 2024-09-08 | Count: 20


                                                     Mr. Lin wei hsu

               Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 801 Email:

Director of Academic Affairs                          Director of Student Affairs
Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 810                       Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 820

Section Chief of Curriculum                           Section Chief of Discipline
Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 811                       Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 822

Section Chief of Information Technology    Section Chief of Physical Education and Hygiene
  Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 821                     Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 811

Director of Human Resources                        Director of General Affairs 
Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 851                       Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 840

Director of Accounting                                    Section Chief of Purchase and Maintenance

Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 850                        Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 841

Section Chief of Cashier                         
Tel: +886-6-5817020, ext. 841


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